God In Everything We Do.

There is a saying; "I can't see the forest through the trees." As a Catholic Christian, I often feel that way. How many times do we often forget the big picture? Instead, we are constantly just moving through life and going through the motions of its busyness.

I started the Mindful Catholic as an everyday practical guide for Christians.  Its intention is to help those interested in building and fostering a closer relationship with God through everyday living. I believe at the very essence of Mindfulness practice is the conscious understanding that God is present in everything we do.  From completing the simple mundane tasks (washing the dishes, throwing out the trash, and driving to work) to enduring life’s hardships and complexities; God is present and waiting to interact with us. However, do we ever just take this time to remember Him, to thank Him, to pray to Him?

The Blog and Prayer Meditations (coming soon) are available for you. The content provided are practices and tips in living life more consciously with God allowing us to be more aware of our thoughts, feelings, and surrounding environment – to be the best person possible. It is through everyday practice that our Faith will grow and life’s Purposes are revealed.

 Please take the time to dig around the various posts and what the Mindful Catholic has to offer. I look forward to your comments, and I sincerely hope you come join me on this faith filled journey.

-Kurt Henson