The Mindful Catholic

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Cultivating a Positive Environment

I hate gardening. There I said it. It is just one of the chores like many others that I simply do not care for. Much respect for you garden aficionados out there in the world. Although, I am fascinated with the idea of growing things and keeping my landscapes maintained. I simply refuse to get myself to work outside; get on my hands and knees in the heat, and simply put in the work to maintaining a beautiful garden. It takes patience and dedication to make your garden as beautiful as it is. The thing is; I really crave to be a gardener. Not so much in the physical sense, but a mental gardener or landscaper of sorts.   Just like an overgrown garden filled with weeds and other parasitic plants, our minds fill up with negativity. It is these negative thoughts that must be weeded and dug out before they can grow and infest our way of thinking.

The information age is here and now. Information about everything is simply at our fingertips. However, during the course of this knowledge overshare we cannot simply disseminate all the possible bad weeds of information that clutter our mind. We can find thousands of websites of diet and detox plans. We can watch videos of people becoming healthy and fueling their awesome lifestyles. But, where is the negativity thinking detox plan or guides? If we are what we eat, then perhaps it is true that we think is what we do. The problem is that many of us, sad to say it, don’t want to be mental gardeners. Too often, we get distracted and think that not dealing with the bad will somehow make the bad just go away.

Negative thinking needs to be stopped at the root just like a weed needs to be dug out or it will come back again. When we rid of ourselves of negative thinking, we can be free to finally do better and be better. We have to take small steps in retraining our minds not to focus so much on dark emotions like anger, sadness, pain, and disappointment.  We need to stop our addiction to pain and sadness. Too many times, we easily forget the happy moments we have once shared, but when something bad happens in our life we are left scarred and we dwell in that negativity for weeks, months, and perhaps years. Just think about it now, when was the last time you laughed out loud or so hard that your cheeks started to hurt? How about the last time someone made you smile and it wasn’t forced? Now, think about the last time someone pissed you off? How about the last time you felt alone and sad? Perhaps, now you see how much easier it is to remember negative outcomes than good times.

Here at, we focus and train very hard to bring God into our daily lives. We make it priority to include God in everything we do. When we turn our focus on God, we finally get ourselves out of own way and realize that this life isn’t just about us. That all that we are, all that we do is really for the Glory of God. By being aware that God is fully with us at all times helps us to weed out and stop negative thinking in its tracks. In no means, are we guaranteed that life will be easy and we are to expect to be walking on rainbows and playing with unicorns all the time. It means that when things get tough, our God is looking out for us. It means that if we keep our faith and focus on Him, He will helps us weed out the bad and overcome negativity because doing God’s work can only bring about positive outcomes.  

Do we dare to cultivate a more positive thinking environment? The choice is always there for you to make.